Need help on buying a Mini classic ? - classic mini
I wan't to buy a mini-classic - the old - not new. I do not go Nothin '. I know that's not good to buy an old car - but I want a really! - What can be seen on an old car, which can be harmful? Also, I live in the UK, does anyone know any shops Classic Mini? I do not know where to find them.
And if anyone has one, you could tell me, are expensive because of their age, or are they cheaper?
Thank you!
which are almost impossible to find.
will have to buy up as a classic and collectors.
the necessary repairs are very costly to correct.
best option is to buy a new one and enjoy the benefits of modern technology in the form of the past.
which are almost impossible to find.
will have to buy up as a classic and collectors.
the necessary repairs are very costly to correct.
best option is to buy a new one and enjoy the benefits of modern technology in the form of the past.
I only have experience with the new MINI in the whole pond. However, would be a good start to a local mini-contact / mini-club in your area. View the groups and their Web sites over the map on the following link. ...
Good luck.
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