Why does it take pig flu to CONSIDER closing boarder when drugs crossing have been killing way more people? - flu drugs
Are they at all with the flu as an excuse to finally close the border now that the jobs are scarce in the CA and are likely to leave voluntarily in Mexico? Is this all a ploy to Arnie seems to be difficult when the border was open for ever?
their right, it's amazing, taken as other real-world problems such as drugs and violance is not as serious as the panic of swine influenza as the cause of the real action to help the borders and visitors.
I think it makes the guessing in different strains of mutated too late, because she said to be the version of Mexico seems to be much more unpleasant. Also spread by birds?. Birds are unpleasant rats poopin histoplasmosis disease anyway.
Stay away from birds and bird droppings and dust or dirt, or you can take Histo. It is one of the spores. Leprosy life on Earth.
The drug is a option.If does not matter how much money outside it.the influenza is not an option, as at the border or pandemic event, but they must be protected for national security, but this government and the government whole, want the vote may be in their vulnerability to corrupt positions.The stay as pleasant awful.We easily infect 400,000, well beyond our borders legally and illegally, far removed when not in Iran with the Iranian Lab.The Pest infected recruited several scientists from Russia to do exactly what I mentioned earlier. http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=we http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=we ... ...
Perhaps complacent in their neighborhood with not enough to see drug use and problems that go with it. Drug problems are not just in some American worlds. The flu knows no boundries, it can all the problem and was able to kill many of us.
I suspect that the swine flu is more dangerous than the letter of 25 million illegal immigrants invading our country.
I suspect that the swine flu is more dangerous than the letter of 25 million illegal immigrants invading our country.
I suspect that the swine flu is more dangerous than the letter of 25 million illegal immigrants invading our country.
I suspect that the swine flu is more dangerous than the letter of 25 million illegal immigrants invading our country.
I suspect that the swine flu is more dangerous than the letter of 25 million illegal immigrants invading our country.
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